By the end of the 30's Enderlein started with the manufacturing and development of immunobiologically active remedies. The preparations were developed based on his bacteriologic research and studies of the cancer problem.
During the time of the 1st World War Enderlein could show that bacteria not only were able to reproduce through division but that they also undergo a complex development cycle and a change of form. He had discovered that primitive life already exists on a molecular level, in the form of colloid of nucleus developed. Enderlein called the group of these proteins "chondritins". On the ladder of the evolution, the chondritins are the beginning of life on earth. They brought the structure and development of bacteria and nucleus to even more complex stages. Hereby the cell will not be the smallest biological unit of the living units which by cell destruction develop into autonomic micro-organisms. Since the chondritins mainly concern living structures it was confirmed by isolation and cultivation that the chondritins reproduced by themselves and had a primitive metabolism. It is not selection and mutation that is the mainspring for the evolution but the nuclear fusions and the symbiosis of the smallest primitive living forms into nucleus and cells organized on a higher level.
Also the human being is living in symbiosis with micro-organisms. Without them a healthy life would not be possible. However, the micro-organisms are not only located on the skin and in the intestines. The blood harbours a large number of micro-organisms which fulfill numerous physiologic functions and also takes part in the coagulation processes of the blood. Because of their smallness these micro-organisms were overlooked by the hematologists.
As a zoologist, Enderlein regarded this micro-organism as an age-old symbiont of the mammals and named it "Endobiont". The Endobiont is a unique complex micro-organism which appears in the organism in different life phases and developmental series. The total cycle of the endobiont comprises a primitive phase - a bacterial phase - and a moldy phase. During life time and due to a variety of external influences, the endobiont may acquire parasitic characteristics and cause diseases in all tissues. It will cause a complexity of chronic and degenerative diseases for which the etiology even today is unknown to medical science.
As everything in nature, the development of the endobionts also undergoes a regulating process. Enderlein quoted the Chinese philosopher Lao Tse who 2500 years ago found the following words for this regulating principle of the nature: "When things have come to a completion, everything returns to their roots".
In the nucleus protein, which he named "chondrit", Enderlein found the regulating mechanism which enabled the structuring of higher developed forms of the disease generators. This regulating principle was useful for Enderlein when he developed his isopathic remedies.
- December 21, 2016
- Jessie Jin