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About Enderlein Products

EnderleinGunther Enderlein devoted his entire life and scientific work to develop a framework for isopathy and homeopathy.  From this, he developed a system of homeopathic and isopathic remedies.


Symbiopathic Remedies are based on proprietary production methods developed by Gunther Enderlein and his associates in the 1920s. 

Symbiopathic still adheres to some of the terminology and espouses a clinical model largely unchanged from the time of Enderlein. Remedies in this product line are manufactured using cultures of various fungi and bacteria, with the exact manufacturing process being proprietary.

The Symbiopathic Remedy line has, at its foundation, consideration for the body's terrain, or milieu,both internally and externally.  That is, the balance of the biochemcial, physiological and energetic environment needs to be viewed and assessed in order to more fully understand the association of the symptoms and the disharmony that may exist.